VocationOn Daily Work

Why Work?

| 9 min read

According to the Wall Street Journal: “The COVID economic shock has unleashed unprecedented creative destruction, sharply accelerating the transformation that we once quaintly called the “future of work.”[i]Others suggest that this new normal “Work 2.0” was inevitable.[ii] With Millennials comprising most of today’s workforce, including their common demand for relaxed office environments and flexible schedules,...

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VocationVisions of Vocation

The Task of Translation

| 5 min read

Tacos and tortillas are easy. And adios is like that. But what about las golondrinas? and Sacramento? Having grown up in California, I began to learn Spanish in the second grade, making my way through elementary letters and numbers, year by year learning something of the complexity of another language. And while I never became...

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CultureChristianity & Culture

Common Grace for a Contentious Age

| 7 min read

The whole secret of the practical success of Christendom lies in the Christian humility, however imperfectly fulfilled. For with the removal of all question of merit or payment, the soul is suddenly released for incredible voyages…And this gay humility, this holding of ourselves lightly and yet ready for an infinity of unmerited triumphs, this secret...

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FaithLiturgical Reflections

Marley was Dead

| 6 min read

“Marley was dead… as dead as a door nail.” With those famous words we enter into one of the best-ever stories, “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. It is read and read again the world over during these days of December, and in theaters small and large we are offered one more take on this...

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